On average, five lives are brutally erased and countless more are destroyed every day by abortion, just 30 seconds from our doors.

Your tax-deductible donation saves and transforms lives in our community. To give a gift of stock, contact Hope at hope@hopeinnova.org.

Medical Fund ($130,000)

Help us administer medical services, including limited obstetric ultrasounds and STI testing and treatment, to encourage women to choose life and to protect the health of mom and baby.

Reports have shown that up to 80% of women who see their baby via an ultrasound at a pregnancy center choose life for their babies. Help us give that gift.

Programming Fund ($370,000)

Help us equip, empower, and embrace our clients through programs that teach practical skills, meet tangible needs, and provide emotional and spiritual support to families in need.

Hope clients stated that the most important service we offered them to help them choose life was the time our staff and volunteers spent listening. That is what your donation to our programming fund makes possible.

To learn more about what your giving makes possible at Hope and/or to schedule a meeting with a board member, call our office at (703) 536-2020 or email us at hope@hopeinnova.org
