Medical Services
Options Counseling – Our client services administrator and volunteers counsel our clients through their pregnancy options. All of our staff and volunteers interacting with clients are trained in Heartbeat International’s L.O.V.E Approach. We use this method to help us listen and learn about our client’s situation, open their three options, introduce a Christ-centered vision and values for their life, and extend and empower them with a plan.
Pregnancy Testing – Our center offers free medical grade urine pregnancy test for indication of pregnancy.
Limited Obstetric Ultrasound – Performed by our Nurse Manager, our center offers limited obstetric ultrasounds to qualifying clients. This is important as it allows our clients to know where in the body their pregnancy is located, how far along they are, and if they are still pregnant despite a positive pregnancy test. We also know that 80% of clients choose life when seeing their unborn baby via ultrasound at a center like ours. This is a wonderful tool in empowering women to choose life for their child.